The UPCDC (est. 1957) is a laboratory preschool of the Department of Family Life and Child Development (FLCD), College of Home Economics (CHE) that caters to children from ages 3 months to 5 1/2 years old. It is among the very first progressive schools in the country, the first to institute an Infant Development Program (IDP), and the first to promote multi-age groupings (the Vertical Class) and the first to implement a comprehensive Parent Education Program.
The UPCDC adheres to a developmental-holistic-humanistic view of the child, understanding child development in the context of family and wider societal influences. Advocating for a progressive, developmental-interaction approach in early childhood education, UPCDC employs the Integrated Core Curriculum (ICC).
Being a laboratory preschool, the UPCDC is primarily used by the undergraduate and graduate students of FLCD as well as by other students from other units of the University for observation, practice teaching, training in preschool management, development of instructional materials and research. The UPCDC continually receives numerous visitors/observers from various sectors and institutions from all over the country.
The holistic and optimal development of children through the provision of a safe, secure, and stimulating learning environment while fostering strong partnerships with their families and immediate communities.
The Integrated Core Curriculum is an open curriculum that emphasizes active interaction between the child and the environment through varied experiences and materials. It focuses on a central theme hinged on real experiences of the children through which various subject matter areas, concepts and skills are integrated and therefore learned more meaningfully. Relevant and varied activities are implemented to enhance learning and holistic development of young children across different ages.
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Ma. Regidor Street, Diliman
Quezon City, Philippines
Phone : 981 8500 local 3406 or 3420
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